How We Sleep While on Vacation

Baby Pixel

Sleeping on a vacation with kids is always an adjustment, especially if you have light sleepers. Georgia is possibly the lightest sleeper in the world…. the smallest noise will wake her and she isn’t a kid that will go back to sleep after she has been woken up, even with a loud noise maker on. If I sleep near her she can sense that I am there and I’ll be up half a dozen time feeding her in the night. We try to put her as far away from the noise/us as possible.. so she is usually in a bathroom in the back of a bedroom. The good news is that the bathrooms in Bali are often nicer than the bedrooms! We have learned to travel with tape and we put up towels around the windows because she also needs a really dark room. My kids need a bit of extra care while traveling… The things we do for our kids to get a good sleep!!!

William decided to sleep with us while on this vacation. We have rented 2 bedroom villas and that both have an ensuite attached. Our sleeping arrangements are usually 3 of us in one bed not sleeping well, 1 bed not being used because it is in the same room as Georgia, and Georgia in the bathroom far away. Because we aren’t in the same room as Georgia, we need a monitor on her at all times. Before we got our new Summer Infant Baby Pixel Monitor we used a monitor that connected through wifi but that is super unrealistic while traveling. I love that once this monitor is plugged in it works right away! Wifi hasn’t be the greatest, so when you travel you need a reliable monitor like the Summer Infant Baby Pixel 5.0″ Touchscreen Colour Video Monitor.


My two favourite things about this monitor are: 

  1. Temperature Reader. It can be SO hot here and we want to make sure the air conditioning is always working. It is a normal night when it is about 25 degrees Celsius with air conditioning and Georgia is going to bed so we keep a very close eye on that.
  2. 360Tilt Camera Steering: it is amazing because William goes in and moves the camera around and I don’t realize till after Georgia has gone to sleep! With this feature I can move the camera around until I can see her again… without leaving my bed!Baby Pixel

A few of the features that really differentiate this monitor from others on the market are:

  • VOX System: a voice activated screen wake up capability. So basically as soon as Georgia is making noise it lights up and wakes us up from the light / sound of her asking for me.
  • Sleepzone Virtual Boundary: this senses when Georgia is on the move and alerts us.
  • Moonlite Night Vision Boost: it gently lights up to give a crisp view of the baby and crib so it is easier to see at night.

To shop, click here: Summer Infant Baby Pixel 5.0″ Touchscreen Colour Video Monitor.

Love from Bali…xo


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